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Have Your Say: East Lothian's Poverty Plan

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updated at 23 Apr 2024
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Climate change ready, climate change will impact vulnerable and low income communities the hardest. We will take preventative action to protect and support these communities.

Comments (1)

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  • H

    FWGG, MRR & SWBG - Would be helpful to understand the data used to identify this as a priority - obviously climate change is a key priority but some of the actions needed to address this can feel unduly burdensome for those on a low incomes when they are being asked to change their behaviour without systemic issues being addressed. New research by OPFS shows that for single parents families the lack accessible and affordable transport systems and housing is a major issue - if we are to achieve the move away from cars or support people to travel actively need to ensure systems are designed to ensure people can undertake care responsibilities easily

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