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Participatory budgets

Preston Seton Gosford Area Partnership 2024

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Help with participatory budgets

Current phase

Finished budget

Participatory budgets phases



The next PSG Area Partnership funding round will open shortly.  Applicants should discuss projects with Ben Morse, Chair or Emma Brown, Connected Communities Manager to ensure they address inequality and meet the needs of the area plan priorities


1st – 26th  – applications open on CONSUL

3rd  6pm Teams - help session for applicants on Teams

10th 4.30pm Teams - help session for applicants on Teams


Accepting projects


We are accepting projects which meet with inequalities and the priorities within the Preston Seton Gosford Area Plan.

Please speak with Ben Morse, Chair or Emma Brown, Connected Communities Manager about your project and they will email you a copy of the application form.

There are online help sessions re: uploading your application to CONSUL on 3rd April 6pm and 10th April 4.30pm on Teams

Selecting projects


All applications will go to the PSG AP Scrutiny Group and be marked on a matrix to ensure they help address our Area Plan Priorities.

Voting projects


Voting will be available through CONSUL from 13th - 30th May where you can vote for up to 6 projects out of the 12 submitted.  There will also be supported sessions in community centres and we will also be gathering votes in children and youth clubs.

Scroll down to see all 12 projects.



Vote here

Reviewing voting


Online voting will be brought together with member voting and children and youth voting and brought to the Area Partnership Meeting on 5th June.

Successful projects will hear the following week the outcome of their application.

Finished budget


PSG Area Partnership


Project proposals located geographically

What is PB?

Participatory budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members decide how to spend part of a public budget. It gives people real power over real money.