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MotherBaby Together £4,775

B Breastfeeding LENS  •  2024-04-26  •  7 comments  •  PSG Area Partnership  • 

PSG picture 2024 JPG.jpg
PSG picture 2024 JPG.jpg

Investment project code: 17

Estimated Price




Working to enhance our existing breastfeeding support service, working with young families to increase breatfeeding rates and infant feeding education.

Working in partnership in the local area with new and exisitng networks to determine and encourage engagement of younger, low income families subject to health inequalities.

Location: Prestonpans

Proposed on behalf of: Breastfeeding LENS

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  • H

    Please provide the much-needed fundung for this cause. The benefits are lifelong for mother, baby and beyond. There is currently a lack of support for breastfeeding mothers; the support provided by peer supporters is incredible, accessible 24/7 and being able to train more will benefit the community for years to come.

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      • H

        Please provide the much-needed fundung for this cause. The benefits are lifelong for mother, baby and beyond. There is currently a lack of support for breastfeeding mothers; the support provided by peer supporters is incredible, accessible 24/7 and being able to train more will benefit the community for years to come.

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        • C

          This project is so important, especially when you consider that there is not so much help and support for breastfeeding from the NHS x I have personally benefitted form this and I'm still breastfeeding at 7 weeks from the support I have received. My firstborn was born just before covid and I couldn't go to support like this and it was dearly missed xx

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          • C

            This project is so important, especially when you consider that there is not so much help and support for breastfeeding from the NHS x I have personally benefitted form this and I'm still breastfeeding at 7 weeks from the support I have received. My firstborn was born just before covid and I couldn't go to support like this and it was dearly missed xx

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            • C

              This project is so important, especially when you consider that there is not so much help and support for breastfeeding from the NHS x I have personally benefitted form this and I'm still breastfeeding at 7 weeks from the support I have received. My firstborn was born just before covid and I couldn't go to support like this and it was dearly missed xx

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              • P

                This is a wonderful project, so worthwhile in providing support for those who need it locally and working alongside pre-existing projects is a brilliant way to integrate with the wider community, good luck!

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              Don't have defined milestones